Hero background

Having a hard time getting a girlfriend?

We help you on your journey from zero to girlfriend

Why choose us?

We were once just like you, having an extremely hard time talking to girls, not knowing what to say or what to do, how to stand, where to put your hands, and yes also googling how to get a girlfriend.

Sometimes it would work on a girl we were in school with, but then the same stuff would not work on a girl in a bar or club.

We finally found out that there are specific mindsets, strategies and most of all practice, that really helps in having consistent success with girls.


The background theory on what you should do

Courses (in the works)

The theory from the books in video lecture format

1 on 1 coaching sessions (in the works)

Personalized learning with our coaches

Programs (in the works)

Streamlined curriculum, study plans, exercises and coaching

Workshops (in the works)

In person on the streets learning with our coaches
